Friday, November 26, 2010

Original user account expired.

Tanrı sevgidir.

Hepimiz günahkarlarız

Günah için fiyat cehennem

İsa'nın Tanrı'nın Oğludur

İsa masumdu. İsa mükemmeldi

Isa sizin adınıza öldü

O toprağa verildi

O üç gün sonra dirildi

O bugün hayatta!

Ona inaniz. O sizi bağişlar. O size asla ayrılmayacak.

1. God loves YOU (yes, no matter how much you think he doesn't)
2. All men are sinners (yes, women and children, too)
3. Sin must be paid for (this is the scary 'hell' part, but you shouldn't worry, because:)
4. Jesus Christ PAID for all your sin; you just have to believe this and...
5. Receive His gift by repenting and inviting Him to be your personal saviour (which He can, because He is God).

No hoops to jump through. No special ceremonies. No special phrases, chants or motions; just confess to Him (in prayer... believe me: He IS listening) that you are a sinner, and that HE alone can save you and give you everlasting life. ASK Him for it.